
06-01 Relationships

In the previous module we saw that a relationship was missing between the table Store (in which the stores are located) and the table 2014-01 (in which the sales from 2014 are supplied).


Let’s continue with the report we built on a CSV file.

Alternatively if you didn’t complete the previous assignment correctly:

Open 05-02-Solution

Creating Relationships

To create relationships, switch to the “Model” view.

Model weergave in Power BI

As you can see, there are several relationships, represented by lines between the tables. When you click on a relation, you can see how the relation runs and which columns refer to each other. There are three important characteristics in a relationship:

  1. the “1” side
  2. the “*” side (this is called the “many” side)
  3. the filter direction

Drie componenten in relatie

In the picture above:

Try the filtering in the Report view of Power BI. Does it work as expected?

A relationship is currently missing between the “2014-01” table and the “Store” table. Create this by dragging the column “BusinessEntityID” from “Store” and dropping it above the column “StoreID” in the table “2014-01”:

Relatie toevoegen door drag and drop

Now return to the “report” view and verify that the display of freight charges per store is correct.


Here’s the endpoint of this lab: 06-01-Solution


Here is the Walkthrough video

Next modules

The next module is Module 7: Introduction to Power Query (GUI). Below is a complete overview of all available modules:

  1. Introduction Power BI Desktop
  2. Reporting on a Dataset
  3. Visuals and interaction
  4. Drillthrough
  5. Self-service reporting
  6. Data Modeling 101
  7. Introduction to Power Query (GUI)
  8. Publishing and Collaboration in Workspaces
  9. Calculated Columns in DAX